How best to care for your Invisalign in Plymouth


Finally you’ve got the teeth you’ve always dreamed of and we’re so pleased to begin that journey with you through using Invisalign in Plymouth. Having Invisalign trays shouldn’t interrupt your life as they’re especially designed to be super easy to live with. However, making sure you take extra care of them to keep them in sparkling condition will ensure they stay super discreet. Here’s how to keep on top of Invisalign care.

Keeping your Invisalign in Plymouth clean

When you came to have your first set of Invisalign fitted, your dentist I’m sure will have talked you through all the basics on good aligners care, but we just wanted to keep everything in one space for you to refer to.

Firstly, make sure you’ve got a really excellent oral health routine in place. That means brushing every morning after you’ve eaten breakfast and taking the time to use interdental brushes. Then just before you go to bed you should be brushing again and using both floss and interdental brushes. Why is this so important? Well, regardless of if you’re wearing aligners or not, keeping on top of the bacteria and food debris left in your mouth is super important and it’s this debris that leads to the development of gum disease and decay. When it comes to your Invisalign in Plymouth imagine you’re now sealing in all those bacteria and making a little greenhouse over your teeth and gums for all those germs to duplicate – so brushing regularly and well just got even more important.

Now we just mentioned flossing and interdental brushes – if you don’t know what either of these things are, it’s a good idea to find out. Feel free to contact us at Smile Care Plymouth to go through the best techniques when it comes to flossing. If interdental brushes are new to you too, they’re little plastic brushes with small soft bristles on the end – specially designed to get to the areas between teeth. Perfect for getting out food particles you don’t even know are there.

Cleaning solutions

When you get your aligners you need to make sure you’re cleaning them everytime you clean your teeth. We recommend using a soft bristle brush and water to scrub lightly at them. Don’t use any harsh cleaning products, or scented/coloured soaps as these could damage the aligners or leave them stained. This is not what you want.

We highly recommend investing in special products designed to clean your trays – either retainers cleaning tablets which dissolve in water or aligners cleaning crystals. There are many products like these on the market and they are specially designed to clean your aligners and give them back that perfect clear shine. Make sure to check they are a reputable brand and follow the instructions on how to dissolve and time to leave them on the box. If you have any questions make sure you contact the practice before using them, as you don’t want to risk damaging the appliance.

Remember to always carry a hard case with you when you leave home so when you remove your aligners to eat and drink you have somewhere safe to store them.