Are dental implants in Plymouth really painful? And how long do they take to heal?


The thought of having a painful dental procedure is really daunting and we want to reassure all our patients that we totally understand that thinking about having dental implants in Plymouth fitted is really daunting for lots of reasons. Largely because it can be worrying about the level of pain during and after. Now, every single case is individual and unfortunately we don’t have a magical crystal ball to tell you what your experience will be exactly but having done lots of these procedures we have some idea what to expect. In a hope to quiet those little anxiety voices we want to share our knowledge with you.

What to expect when you have dental implants in Plymouth fitted

When you come to have your dental implants in Plymouth fitted – both in preparation of the bone and fitting of the fixtures your dentist will talk you through exactly what they are doing and what to expect. You will be administered with a local anesthetic so that you can’t feel the area whilst the procedure is taking place.

When the general anesthetic wears off you will likely begin to feel varying levels of discomfort. For some this can be mild and for others it can be more intense, we will be able to discuss with you forms of painkillers to take after the procedure to help minimize any discomfort you experience.

How long will you be recovering from the procedure?

Again this is very much down to the individual and the case – if you’ve had multiple teeth removed and replaced this will likely equate to a longer recovery period. Much of how long you take to recover will come down to how you manage your recovery.

When you’ve had your dental implants in Plymouth fitted, we would recommend having one or two days to rest and recover, ideally at home on the sofa. You shouldn’t be booking in any strenuous exercise classes, so keep away from spin for a few days and maybe ask for extra help around the house for daily tasks, like hoovering and the washing.

During the first week or so you might notice pain and swelling and this is totally fine and normal and very much expected. Keep on top of your painkillers and rest and this will help all these things get better quicker.

What can slow down the healing process

Your recovery is impacted by how you choose to live post surgery, try and take it easy diet wise sticking to soft, easily chewable foods. If you are a smoker, smoking will really slow down the healing process so try your very best to avoid it as much as possible. It could also be worth sticking to a alcohol free lifestyle for a few weeks as the sugar in alcohol isn’t good to be around the area whilst it heals.

Make sure when you’re recovering you’re keeping up with a throughout dental hygiene routine, and taking extra time and sensitivity to your new dental implants. If you have any queries please get in contact with the team, we’d love to hear from you.