Why Invisalign Might Be Exactly The Right Fit For You



Invisalign has very quickly become one of the world’s leading forms of teeth straightening, it offers patients a whole heap of amazing benefits whilst being an excellent, successful system. We at Smile Care Cosmetic Centre have seen lots of patients, particularly adults, who have finally been able to achieve the smile of their dreams through the practical and subtle benefits of Invisalign in Plymouth when previously they didn’t feel ready to opt for adult orthodontics. Here’s why.

Like Your Most Comfy Slippers But For Your Teeth

We at Smile Care Cosmetic Centre put patients’ comfort above all else. We want all patients to enjoy an easy going orthodontic treatment that causes minimal disruption to their lifestyle which is why we think Invisalign in Plymouth is great. Invisalign is made from smooth plastic which has been made to fit over your teeth perfectly – no scratch surfaces hurting your teeth and gums. It also operates by slowly moving teeth through a series of different aligners which means the actual act of your teeth moving is more comfortable, of course we can’t say you won’t experience any discomfort but hopefully it will be minimal.

Clean, Clean – It’s Good For Your Gums

Another stand out feature of Invisalign in Plymouth is that they are totally removable and of course this is great for multiple reasons but most importantly it allows for you to keep on top of a really good oral hygiene routine and you can even carry on flossing daily whilst you;re undergoing orthodontic treatment! So many patients end orthodontic treatments with early signs of gum disease as with other methods sometimes it can be hard to do deep enough cleans. If gum disease is something you have struggled with in the past and you’ve been wary of orthodontic treatments because of this, now you don’t have to worry.

Super Stylish and Subtle

Everyone is a photographer these days, we have lenses flashing our way almost daily now and feeling a little bit self-conscious about having your teeth straightened is only natural, but with Invisalign you’ll be able to quieten those worry bugs a little more. The Invisalign trays are specifically designed to be as subtle on the eye as possible, peers and work colleagues would have to be seriously staring to really notice them and they really won’t show up much on camera. Plus on those super special days – your best pals’ wedding or your mum’s 50th you can even have one day off wearing them and now damage will be done to your progress.

Designed For You

At the corem Invisalign are made for you and were designed to make orthodontic treatments a little more user friendly and adaptable to our modern lifestyles, they’re functional and look cool, and work just as well as other types of orthodontics. If all this sounds like it might be the right fit for you, please contact the practice to get booked in for your initial consultation and begin your Invisalign journey with the team at Smile Care Cosmetics.