When to maintain dental implants

The long-term success of dental implants depends not only on maintaining osseointegration (attachment of the implant to bone tissue), but also on maintaining the health of the peri-implant tissues.

For the patient to see the expected results of health, function and comfort, the parts of the implant-supported prosthesis and the accumulation of plaque and calculus around the implant must be controlled in the dental office, since it can reach cause peri-implant mucositis, that is, an inflammation of the gums, similar to gingivitis and its possible evolution to peri-implantitisLike periodontitis in the natural tooth, peri-implantitis causes loss of bone support, reducing the useful life of the implant in the mouth.

It is very important for the patient to know and understand that proper plaque control and good oral hygiene will allow them to maintain the implant with function, health and comfort over time.

Dental implants require periodic control by the dentist in order to ensure that the gums and bone are in perfect health condition. This is done by using periodic X-rays to be able to assess the level of bone around your implants.

Furthermore, it is not surprising that screws that join the prosthesis to the implants ever loosen, for these cases there is an easy procedure to follow, the implant-supported prosthesis must be removed, cleaned and replaced by new ones or the old screws, or if the screws are in good condition been, tighten them again. Although these complications are not serious, it is important that when you notice that the implant-supported prosthesis is not properly attached to the implant and that it has some mobility, you immediately go to your dentist to have it screwed back in correctly since, if not, the Long could lead to more complicated problems, such as fracture of the prosthesis.

Once the implant and the definitive prosthesis have been placed, it is advisable to schedule a routine visit every year in which a radiological control will be carried out to control the bone structures and the structure of the implant-supported prosthesis will be checked. In these visits, the prosthesis on implants will be disassembled and the implants will be cleaned, calculus deposits and bacterial plaque around the implants will be removed with carbon ultrasound tips or plastic curettes.

The dental implant maintenance It is done using plastic curettes to clean the gums and eliminate the accumulation of bacterial plaque. In addition, a control will be carried out by means of an orthopantomography (panoramic x-ray of the whole mouth).

Maintain good oral hygiene care and attend annual maintenance They are an essential measure to ensure a long life for dental implant restorations. In addition, during the check-ups and maintenance we will motivate the patient not to forget his oral hygiene and we will teach him how to brush properly, as well as other adequate hygiene methods for correct oral hygiene. With all these measures, we will prevent future problems and achieve 100% success in our implant treatment, in addition to giving our implants a long life.

If you want to rehabilitate your mouth with dental implants (Click to see our treatment), do not hesitate to contact us at Smile Care Plymouth Dental Plymouth We have specialized and trained personnel in the different surgical techniques to place dental implants. In addition, we will make a treatment plan for you and assess the different options that best suit you.



We hope you liked this article. Smile Care in Plymouth can offer you a complete Smile Makeover for that Hollywood smile you dreamed of, or should you only need Dental Implants our Plymouth Team is on hand to give help and advice. If you need a straighter smile our Invisible braces will give you straight teeth without having to wear old fashioned metal braces. If you live in or around Plymouth and need any form of General Dentistry contact us today.