When is prophylactic wisdom tooth extraction necessary?

Tooth eruption occurs in ages ranging from 4 to 7 months. However, the third molars also called wisdom teeth or in the best known form (wisdom teeth) are the last to erupt and also the last to occupy its position in the oral cavity. They usually erupt around the age of 18, it is said that it is when we reach the judgment from there the name of these comes.

A total of 4 should erupt, two in the upper jaw to side and side, and another two in the lower jaw or mandible also to side and side. In the event that they erupt in a line with enough space, they will not be an inconvenience or the cause of possible oral pathologies.. Although this correct eruption is a fact that does not occur very frequently.


The main reason to carry out the extraction is when they have not erupted correctly because as a result of this poor location they will generate different problems in the oral cavity, affecting other healthy teeth.

As they are located at the end of the arch, it is a place of difficult access for oral hygiene, therefore it favors the appearance and proliferation of microorganisms and bacteria, triggering infections and therefore there will be an inflammation of the soft tissue and there will be a high risk of cavities appear, in addition to pain.

The surgeon dentist is the one who will determine the prognosis of these teeth and therefore who best advises as to whether or not to extract, will perform an orthopantomography (an X-ray of the entire mouth) to see the state of both eruption and location, although it is always advisable to extract them before they cause any Type of problem.

Cases where extraction is not necessary:

    • Presence of healthy wisdom teeth
    • Have erupted in full
    • They have a correct position
  • Sanitizing them does not represent a difficulty.

But when they do not have this space to go out in the mouth, other types of symptoms are usually much more annoying for the patient:

  • Severe or very severe pain in the area where the molar in question should erupt.
  • There will be a hardening of the jaw in this area.
  • Moderate to severe redness and swelling of the area.
  • On certain occasions, if the molars grow crookedly or if they are causing a lot of soft tissue damage during their eruption, infections will occur in the involved area or in the bone area that must be treated by the surgeon in any of the cases.


If wisdom teeth are removed, the area will be anesthetized where the teeth in question are located. The duration of the intervention will be highly conditioned by the difficulty of the position. If they have come out completely, access will always be easier than if they have not.

After 24 hours of the surgical intervention, the following can be given:

    • Bleeding for this, it is recommended to squeeze a gauze in the extraction area and change it every 30 minutes or so if it is soaked.
    • Swelling around the treated area To reduce it, a good option is to apply ice wrapped in a cloth and always with periods of rest.
    • Pain, our dentist will give antibiotic and anti-inflammatory regimen in case of pain, normally for pain he will indicate ibuprofen, never aspirin since it will stimulate bleeding since it is a drug that has an anticoagulant effect.
  • Inclusive bruising if the intervention has been of long duration.

In addition, a series of advice will be given such as cessation of smoking in case of smoking, and eating a soft diet. And perform oral hygiene very carefully. At the slightest discomfort or if the bleeding persists, the patient should go to the consultation to check that everything is within normal for healing and clotting.


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