When is orthodontics necessary in adolescents?

Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry, it is the specialty whose mission is the study, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of possible alterations that occur in the oral cavity in terms of shape, position and function of teeth and structures that provide the support of these.

The word orthodontics originates from the Greek, and its meaning is ortho which means straight, and doncia which means teeth.

So the objective of the specialist in this area, the orthodontist, aims to diagnose and correct any problem of altered alignment of the teeth and the alterations that the patient may present regarding the facial structure, from this diagnosis the orthodontist will establish a treatment plan using orthodontics and orthopedics.

Function of orthodontics

The application of an orthodontic technique serves to bring the teeth that are misaligned to a suitable position, returning the chewing function, giving them aesthetics and a correct position, the objective of orthodontics is that each of the teeth has its specific position and is in absolute harmony with the lips, cheeks, tongue and the rest of the teeth. Getting to establish a balance between the function of the teeth, the dental aesthetics and the facial aesthetics of the patient.

Time to start orthodontic treatment

Actually, any moment should be the ideal one to provide functional and aesthetic correction to our teeth, although it is true that the moment we can achieve the most optimal and fastest results is in adolescence, specifically at the peak of the patient’s growth. As long as the orthodontic treatment to be performed is with fixed orthodontic appliances.

Keep in mind that each adolescent is different and will assume in one way or another the fact of having to wear braces, today there is an aesthetic range. Adolescence is the ideal time to correct tooth alignment and occlusion (the way of biting) as long as the adolescent’s growth is not complete. We conclude that the adolescent stage is ideal for orthodontic treatment to obtain quick results and obtain them effectively, since bone growth can be controlled.

Most of the alterations that occur in adolescent or pre-adolescent patients are of genetic cause:

  • Dental crowding
  • Tooth gaps
  • Dental agenesis
  • Teeth that are outside the dental arch.
  • Alterations in the development of the jaws.

Although there are other reasons that may cause the need for orthodontic treatment and they are not genetic:

  • Bad habits.
  • Dental pathologies.
  • Oral respirators.
  • Late or early exfoliation of teeth.

Benefits of orthodontic treatment:

Oral health involves having general health and in the long term the teeth will have a greater durability, in addition to the clear aesthetic improvement that is achieved with orthodontics, the improvement of the patient’s bite is involved.

An occlusion that is not correct can eventually trigger wear on the teeth, crowding, difficulties in oral hygiene, pathologies in the gums, alterations in the muscular system involved and jaw joints … the occlusion is much more important than it is. that we think because if this is not correct, the patient will develop problems such as:

  • Dental wear
  • Difficulties when swallowing.
  • Even loss of teeth.
  • Tightness in facial structures, such as the bones of the face.

Orthodontics will allow the patient to have a perfect, fully functional and harmonious smile.


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