What is the treatment for chronic periodontitis?

The periodontitis chronicle it is a slowly progressive infectious disease that causes inflammation in the supporting tissues of the teeth. This disease produces bone loss and causes tooth loss that affects the tissues that support the tooth such as alveolar bone, root cement, periodontal ligament and the gingiva.

The appearance in adults is more frequent, although there are some exceptions in which the appearance occurs in adolescents and children as a reaction to the accumulation of chronic plaque. If left untreated it can lead to the loss of all the teeth in the mouth.

What is chronic periodontitis?

Typical clinical findings in patients with chronic periodontitis include supragingival and subgingival plaque accumulation, which is commonly associated with stone formation, gingival inflammation, pocket formation, periodontal attachment loss, and alveolar bone loss.

Chronic periodontitis can get diagnosed by detecting chronic inflammatory changes in the marginal gingiva, the presence of periodontal pockets, and clinical attachment loss. X-rays diagnose it by signs of bone loss.

Chronic periodontitis is painless, the symptoms may be the appearance of pain due to seeing some affected tooth root, since it is exposed to the sensitivity of heat or cold. Also the presence of areas of impaction of breath can add to the discomfort of the patient. Also, there may be gingival tenderness or “itching.”

The factors That cause it are systemic or environmental, which can be the accumulation of plaque, diabetes, smoking or stress.

The clinical signs of the disease are inflation, pocket formation, attachment loss, and bone loss, and are considered to be a product of the direct site-specific effects of gingival plaque accumulation.

It can be classified according to its location, in:

Localized periodontitis: when the disease is found in a few sites and shows moderate loss of attachment or bone loss.

Generalized periodontitis– Generated when most sites show attachment and bone loss.

Vertical bone loss: is associated with angular bone defects and interosseous pockets, while horizontal bone loss: is associated with supraosseous pockets.

What is the treatment for chronic periodontitis?

The severity of the disorder can be described as mild periodontitis, it is considered when there is no more than 1 to 2mm of clinical attachment loss. Moderate periodontitis, is considered when there is 3 to 4mm of clinical attachment loss and severe periodontitis, is considered of this type when 5mm or more of clinical attachment loss is recognized.

The treatment for chronic type periodontitis it does not exist. Treatment consists of stopping the progression of the disease and therefore stopping bone loss. So that the disease does not progress, it is essential to carry out a correct oral hygiene technique, in this way to control the bacterial plaque. The guidelines for the treatment are the following, first there should be a mechanical treatment, a scraping with the brush in the gingival area. A good oral treatment, also a scaling and root planing, then you should visit the dentist to make a reassessment of the case and if there is still active periodontitis, you should resort to surgery.



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