What is the ideal toothbrush?

Proper oral hygiene is essential. When you do not have proper oral hygiene, it is easy to contract multiple oral pathologies, including systemic ones.. Among the most uncomfortable situations that lack of hygiene produces is the presence of halitosis or bad breath.

That is why the correct choice of a toothbrush is a more important fact than we think, especially today that there are different alternatives. Next, we propose a series of guidelines for a successful toothbrush choice.

The first thing to do is go to our trusted dentist, who knows our needs and can recommend the best option according to the state of our oral cavity, aspects such as the size that is appropriate to the size of our mouth must be taken into account.

Currently there are very useful applications in the brush that the dentist can teach us to use as it can be the tongue and cheek cleanser or irrigator to help complete a perfect oral hygiene.

It is also necessary for us to know if we want a manual or electric toothbrush, it has been proven in various studies that if they use both properly they perform the function of sanitizing just as well, only in certain cases the dentist will specifically recommend the use of electric, for example, In cases where the patient has some difficulty or disability to use the toothbrush, it is a good option, or for those patients who do not control the pressure they exert with the manual brush.

Other characteristics that help when making our choice, in order to achieve the best cleaning of our teeth and avoid the continuous change of the toothbrush.

  • Most dentists recommend choosing a medium texture brushThis means that the bristles of the brush are not excessively stiff but are not soft either. This will avoid damaging structures in the oral cavity.
  • The brush head must be small or medium, the large heads are not recommended since they do not have access to the most compromised accessibility parts.
  • The brush handle, the best choice that can be made is that of a brush that has a non-slip handle, this gives greater stability and control, it does not allow the toothbrush to slip, causing an injury to the cavity. oral. Nowadays, brushes that have a flexible handle are very fashionable, they are more recommended if there is some type of disability.
  • The selected bristles can present different characteristics in terms of shape, as well as in terms of texture, they can be curved, straight in the form of a zigzag, our dentist is the one who will make the best recommendation.

It is very important whether we select one type or another of brush, change it every three months or earlier in case the bristles present a worn appearance, we must not exceed three months since there will be an accumulation of germs and bacteria.

But perhaps the most important aspect for the choice is the opinion of our dentist, since in case of having been in oral treatment he will recommend one or the other and in case of having removable appliances in the mouth he will explain to us how we should carry out the procedure. hygiene of this appliance, since it will be necessary to have a separate brush to complete daily hygiene, it will also teach us how to complement hygiene with the use of dental floss and if necessary interproximal brushes.



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