What is the “all on four” implant technique and how does it work?

Surgical intervention all on four is a technique that is based on performing an immediate placement of the prosthesis in charge of restoring aesthetics and function on the same day of the surgical procedure.

With this type of treatment, an effective, fast and reliable restoration is achieved for patients and its objective is to replace all the teeth of the upper or lower jaw with the fewest number of implants placed.

The All on Four technique comes to be the representation of an intervention of the placement in implants of last generation and investigation, with its use the extractions, the elimination of the infection and the implant surgery can be carried out on the same day and both in the upper jaw as in the lower jaw in a fixed way and without the annoying palate.

To carry out this technique a type of implant with a special design is used in this way the desired results are achieved:

  • The manufacture of these implants are world-renowned.
  • The material of choice is titanium which has biocompatibility, among its advantages is to integrate into the bone and have a good response from the soft tissues.
  • As a general rule no cases of rejection or allergy have been described.
  • At the beginning, a provisional but fixed prosthesis is placed, which will later be replaced by the definitive prosthesis, both of which will have the previously placed implants as anchors.
  • This technique, in addition to allowing full-arch rehabilitations with immediate function, has another advantage and is the budget, which is considerably limited, since fewer implants can be placed, compared to other conventional techniques.
  • In addition, treatment time and visits to the dentist are saved. In addition, it offers the patient instant improvement of the patient’s functions: chewing, phonation and aesthetics. One of the most attractive points of the technique is that it can be applied in a high percentage of cases.
  • As we have already mentioned, the greatest benefit of this intervention is that it allows the patient to have their teeth fixed immediately.. Another major advantage is that we avoid waiting periods with temporary prosthesis that are very uncomfortable for the patient. The fixed provisional prosthesis is placed on the same day, that is screwed to the implants. After four or five months (depending on each case), it will be replaced by the definitive prosthesis.

What does the treatment with the All on four technique consist of:

  • 1st visit in which a careful diagnosis is carried out
  • The patient attends the consultation, the exhaustive study is carried out with the corresponding radiographic examination further steps are taken to initiate the treatment plan.
  • Day of the intervention.
  • The procedure begins in the box. If required by the patient, the anesthesiologist provides sedation (conscious dental sedation).
  • If necessary, extractions are made and dental implants are placed to anchor the prosthesis. At the end of the surgery, the temporary prosthesis is retouched and readjusted so that it is perfectly adjusted to the patient’s mouth upon delivery. In the afternoon, the prosthesis is placed on the patient, and he / she can return home with functional teeth.
  • During this period of time, periodic checks should be carried out until the at 4-5 months we place the definitive prosthesis.
  • Once the healing process has finished, the definitive prosthesis is carried out.

Currently it is a technique that is increasingly known and requested due to its many advantages and because more and more patients are highly satisfied after the intervention.



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