What are dental implants?


At Smile Care Cosmetic Centre, we have built a strong reputation for being a patient-centred dental practice offering high-quality dental implants in Plymouth. We are the preferred choice for dental implants in Plymouth due to having an experienced implant dentist with all the relevant credentials required for this treatment plan. Our implant dentist has treated countless patients wanting dental implants in Plymouth, allowing them to smile wide warm smiles once again.

It comes as no surprise to us that the preferred option for many patients with missing teeth is to have dental implants. To best understand why this is, all you have to do is look at the design of this dental device.

Dental implants feature a design similar to natural teeth

The next best thing to having real teeth is to have dental implants. These are high-tech tooth replacement devices that have a similar structure to natural teeth, so that they not only look like natural teeth but offer the same functions too.

Like natural teeth comprising the enamel that sits above the gum line and the roots that anchor the tooth in place, dental implants have become the go-to option because they replicate this structure in form and function.

The first part of the treatment plan is to have a metal implant that functions as the root embedded into the jawbone. This is done by having a surgical procedure carried out. Our implant dentist will decide on how many implants are needed and the site of implantation.

After the implantation procedure, it is normal for there to be a healing period of between six to eight weeks. This time is needed for the implant to fuse into the jawbone so that it forms a solid anchor for the dental crown that will sit on top of it.

Once this natural fusion process is successfully completed, the patient is then ready to have a dental crown placed over it to provide masticatory and speech functions. Implants are also used to provide dependable support for bridges and dentures.

Factors that contribute to the popularity of dental implants

There are numerous plus points about dental implants. The three main things are appearance, reliable function and promoting dental health.

One of the most cited benefits of replacing teeth with implants is that they are very difficult to tell apart from real teeth. Dental implants can be custom-made to offer a seamless pleasing all-natural look to dental appearance.

Next to appearance, patients with missing teeth want a dental device that is dependable and one that will not move about in the mouth or fall out when eating. Dental implants answer all of these challenges. Patients can resume eating all their favourite foods with confidence.

The health and integrity of the mouth are maintained. Dental implants plug in the vacant gaps left open when teeth fall out. This is important for two reasons. The first is that open gaps encourage adjacent teeth to move out of their positions leading to unnecessary orthodontic problems.

The second is that the implant embedded in the jawbone provides the same stimulus as natural teeth roots to keep the jawbone healthy. Without this stimulation, jawbone quality can begin to deteriorate, triggering jawbone recession.

Patients usually have many questions and concerns regarding dental implant treatments. It is best to have one’s questions answered by an experienced implant dentist so why not schedule an appointment with us at Smile Care Cosmetic Centre today?