The role of dental implants in supporting prosthetics


The importance of proper fit

At our dental clinic, Smile Care Cosmetic Centre, we understand that dentures can be a great solution, but not always a complete one, and dental implants in Plymouth may have a place in greatly improving a patient’s ability to chew, speak, and smile with confidence. However, we also understand that some denture wearers may experience discomfort or embarrassment due to rubbing or loose dentures.

The first step in understanding and managing rubbing and loose dentures is understanding the importance of proper fit. Dentures should be custom-made to fit the unique shape and size of an individual’s mouth. This includes not only the size and shape of the gums and jaws, but also the bite relationship between the upper and lower dentures. When dentures do not fit properly, they can rub against the gums, causing sore spots and even ulcers. They can also slip and move around in the mouth, making it difficult to eat, speak, or smile with confidence.

Causes of rubbing and loose dentures

There are several causes of rubbing and loose dentures. One common cause is the natural shrinkage of the gums and jawbones over time. As we age, our gums and jawbones naturally shrink and change shape, which can cause dentures to become loose or rub against the gums. This is why regular dental check-ups and adjustments are important for denture wearers.

Another cause of rubbing and loose dentures is poor oral hygiene. When dentures are not cleaned properly, they can become stained, discoloured, and covered in bacteria. This can cause the dentures to emit an unpleasant odour and can also lead to infection and inflammation of the gums.

A third cause of rubbing and loose dentures is the use of certain medications. Some medications can cause dry mouth, which can make it difficult for the dentures to stay in place. Additionally, some medications can cause the gums to shrink or change shape, which can affect the fit of the dentures.

The role of oral implants

While traditional dentures can be a great solution for those who have lost multiple teeth or all of their natural teeth, implants can provide an even more secure and stable solution. Oral implants are small titanium posts that are surgically placed into the jawbone to act as a replacement for the roots of missing teeth. Once the implants are in place, they can be used to support a variety of dental restorations, including dentures.

One of the main advantages of using dental implants in Plymouth to support dentures is that they can greatly improve the fit and stability of the dentures. Because the dentures are anchored to the implants, they are less likely to slip or move around in the mouth. This can greatly improve the comfort and confidence of the denture wearer.

Another advantage of using dental implants in Plymouth to support dentures is that they can help to preserve the integrity of the jawbone. When natural teeth are lost, the jawbone begins to shrink and change shape. This can affect not only the fit of the dentures but also the overall shape and appearance of the face.

How can we help?

We can assess the viability of making a patient’s dentures or bridge implant supported, which will be dependent on a number of factors determined by our dentist. If they are found to be suitable for a patient it will greatly improve the functionality of their mouth. Make an appointment today to see if we can help you.