The Benefits of and treatment with Dental Implants


Dental implants in Plymouth are popular, and with good reason, as an effective solution for replacing missing teeth. They are a long-term and durable option that can restore the function and appearance of your smile. But what exactly are oral implants, and how are they placed? We will explore the process of oral implants to help you make a fully informed decision about your oral health.

What are oral Implants?

An implant is a 2 cm titanium rod that is surgically placed into the jawbone to serve as an artificial root of a missing tooth. A crown or other protic is then mounted onto the implant, restoring the appearance and function of the missing tooth or teeth.

Dental implants in Plymouth are popular because they are strong, stable, and long-lasting. They can last for many years with proper care and maintenance, making them a more permanent solution compared to traditional tooth replacement options such as bridges or dentures.

The Benefits of oral Implants

There are several benefits to choosing oral implants to replace missing teeth. These include:

  • Improved appearance: Oral implants can restore the natural look and feel of your teeth, helping you to feel more confident in your smile.
  • Improved function: Oral implants are designed to feel and function just like natural teeth, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile with ease.
  • Improved oral health: Oral implants, unlike crowns, do not require the removal of healthy tooth structures like traditional tooth replacement options. This can help to maintain the health and integrity of your remaining teeth.
  • Long-lasting: As mentioned, implants can last for many years with proper care and maintenance, making them a more permanent solution compared to traditional tooth replacement options.

The Process of Receiving Oral Implants

The process of receiving oral implants typically starts with a consultation with our dental team who specializes in placing them. During this appointment, the oral health of the patient is thoroughly evaluated to determine if they are a good candidate for the procedure. If the patient is found to be a good candidate, the next step is to plan the placement of the implants. This may involve taking x-rays or other types of scans to determine the best location for the implants and to ensure that there is sufficient bone in the jaw to support the implants.

The surgery to place the dental implants in Plymouth is usually performed on an outpatient basis at our clinic, under local anaesthesia. During the surgery, small incisions are made in the gum to expose the bone. The implants are then carefully placed into the bone, and the incisions are closed with sutures. After the surgery, the implants require time to heal and fully integrate with the bone, a process that can take several months and may involve multiple follow-up appointments at the clinic.

Once the implants have fully healed and integrated with the bone, the final restoration (a crown, bridge, or denture) can be placed on top of the implants. This completes the process and restores the appearance and function of the patient’s smile. Overall, the process of receiving oral implants can be a lengthy one, but the end result is a functional and aesthetically pleasing smile that can last for many years to come.