Overbites, can invisible aligners correct them?


Overbites, underbites and crossbites, no matter what the bite issue, many people suffer from some form of misalignment. Eating food can become difficult and adjustments to eating may have unknowingly been made throughout their life. In most cases, bite issues are discovered by a dentist or orthodontist and up until recently, the fixed metal brace has been the only option available. For adults this often meant shying away from getting treatment as the visible brace was far from discreet.

Within the last 30 years, dental practices have been offering a brand of aligners which are transparent and cosmetically appealing. On top of the advances to the cosmetic nature of the aligner, there have been no sacrifices to the effectiveness of the aligner and therefore it suits a variety of misalignment cases as well as a variety of ages. Finally a treatment that everyone wants to get on board with.

Invisalign in Plymouth, are clear aligners which push the teeth into a new position using pressure points. Using a series of retainers, which are used at different stages throughout the treatment process, this highly effective and cosmetically appealing treatment can help realign the teeth in months rather than years. At Smile Care Cosmetic Centre, we understand the need for a cosmetically appealing approach to misalignments but also look for effectiveness which is why we offer Invisalign in Plymouth.

Read on to uncover how the clear aligners stand up against some of the more common bite problems.

The overbite.

Firstly, it is important to know what it is. An overbite is basically when the upper jaw leans over, or protrudes over the teeth of the lower jaw. In some cases, it is only minor, but for the more severe cases, tooth decay, speech difficulties and problems with digestion can present themselves.

Luckily, Invisalign in Plymouth can help to relieve and alleviate some of the milder cases of overbite by gradually pushing the protruding jaw back into alignment. For the more severe cases, it may be that the treatment regime needs to begin with one appliance and then transfer to the aligner method. In order to know which course of treatment is best suited to you, open up a discussion with your dental team at Smile Care Cosmetic Centre.

The underbite.

Another form of bite is the underbite, as you may have already gathered, this is when the lower jaw teeth are in front of the upper teeth. This is often a result of an elongated jaw and is once again treatable using Invisalign in Plymouth. The aligners once again push the teeth into a new aligned position which can straighten up the alignment. In some of the more extreme cases, it may be that surgery is needed on the lower jaw as well, but either way, on its own or combined with other treatments, realignment is entirely possible.

The crossbite.

Unlike the other two bites, a crossbite overlaps at random places. Often they appear to be drawing towards the centre of the mouth and create an appearance similarly to overcrowding.

When it comes to crossbites which sway more towards the overcrowded type, more often than not, your dental team can recommend invisalign in Plymouth to effectively realign the teeth. Although the odd tooth may need to be removed, the clear aligner can help push the teeth into positions creating more space and realigning them at the same time.